Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jobless in Kakinada


You would think that 20 days of rest at home before i start my MBA would make me feel happy. Well,i thought so too...But donno why, Feeling bored already!

Reading lot of Harry Potter. Averaging about 300 pages a day.

Spending my evenings on the terrace looking for cute girls dancing with pigeons on their heads. I guess girls of kakinada aren't big fans of Sonam. Tough luck so far, but i am not giving up.

And i had to face the ultimate horror. SHOPPING! If u know me, i need not tell you that it was sheer torture...

Going through all the episodes of f.r.i.e.n.d.s once again when i caught this deja vu moment.

some guy (to Joey): Can u teach me how to talk to women??
Joey ( pointing to a hot girl): You mean, that woman??
That guy: That one, every one, any one.....
Chandler (sighing): aaah... Been there,friend!
ME: me too,chandler!

Thats why i absolutely adore chandler. He is almost like my alter ego....

1 comment:

మెహెర్ said...

"Spending my evenings on the terrace looking for cute girls dancing with pigeons on their heads."

Ha Ha Ha! Yeah, they don't do that there. (How do I know? 'Cause, been there done that. :))

I love Chandle Bing too. But I think the whole bunch of three guys in "Friends" are nerds, including Joey. But Joey is endearingly oblivious to his nerdishness. Or Dumbness. I guess that's what makes him a "cool" guy. I guess that's what makes any cool guy in general: being oblivious to ones own dumbness. Try that, you will be cool too.