Sunday, February 7, 2010

The catcher in the MBA

The clock struck 12'0 clock.The music has started. I looked out of the window and saw people assembling around amphi for the party.

I sighed and connected my head phones and hoped they were strong enough to drown out the mayhem due outside.

It was the culmination of Chakravyuh, our college's sports festival. It was supposed to be a big deal and all, but i find it utterly uninteresting.But i guess its okay, since i got holidays for three days, and you can't have too many of them, can you??

This parties kill me. People are weird enough without getting drunk, but they get absolutely unbearable on these occasions. Add to that the stupid dancing they all do in groups, i feel like puking....

Let me be honest, I've been there and done that stuff, but i was stupid.Just like those people out there right now.I removed the headphones and shut down my laptop. My feeble headphones are no match for the what must be a goddamn gazillion watt sophisticated sound system out there.

I wore my sweat shirt and walked out of the hostel. I didn't feel much cold, but i wore the sweat shirt anyways. These people give me weird looks if you step out without all this winter gear.You are supposed to be shivering,rubbing your hands for heat and crib about how cold the weather is and all that stuff. Or else they say something moronic like," u southies have a rough skin!" Phonies!!

The music got louder and louder as i approached the amphi. As i was passing it, some guy stopped me and tried to get me dancing.

"Swell man, but I am going to library!" I said.

You would think he would end the discussion and leave me and all, but no!

"Duuuuuuuuuuuude!", he moaned. "Y the hell do u want to go to library??"

"Because not a single thing about this party interests me, Not the crappy bollywood songs u play, not the alcohol, and not that goddamn dance. Thats why"

"You seriously need some girls in your life, man!" he said.

"Thanx. But I think an intelligent conversation now and then with a non-moronic person will do" I said and left. I bet he didn't understand a word i said.

When i entered the library, the librarian looked at me like he was looking at a ghost. The library was dead empty, almost all the lights were switched off. I went to a shelf and took HBR and started reading. For a few blessed minutes, i forgot about all the phonies around me!

But the noise out side increased to such an unbearable limits that even the walls of the library aren't enough to stop it. The librarian, apparently, has no problem with it. I threw the book away, and walked out of the library. This is going to be a long night.

As i approached the amphi again on my way back to the hostel, i looked at my watch. Its almost 3AM. I took a sudden diversion and sat on the upper steps. These idiots wouldn't let me sleep, i might as well sit there and observe their lame phony behavior.

The amphi is full of drunken people swaying their bodies in random directions to the music. I don't know why they are dancing, and i dont think they don't know either. This DJ, stops the music suddenly at the popular phrases, and the crowd starts singing along those lines. It was supposed to be uber-cool and all, but i tell you, It's really depressing, if you ask me.

Then this DJ guy plays an supposedly emotional number, which talks about the greatness of friendship, the pain of leaving your friends and all that shit. Then all these phonies would start hugging each other and get all emotional and stuff. I kid you not! Its like they are living for each other and couldn't live without each other and like that. These are the guys who bitched,back stabbed each other all these months and wouldn't recall each others names after ten years.Now,hugging each other like they are some goddamn lovers! Its the phoniest thing you will ever see, I tell you!

Then it got worse. The power went off. Then everybody took out their cell phones and all and started swaying them as it its the most creative idea in the world. I felt like puking. i couldn't withstand the phoniness for another minute. I started going back to the room, on the way, some guy is yelling at another, "Waaadddup man, Swell party, huh??"


PS: To salinger, who introduced me to my own story, for helping me understand who i am....

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