Thursday, May 7, 2009

Boyfriend Vs Lover

The other day, i was chitchating with a friend over phone(other day = eons ago) and the topic turned to love.

  "Say, how is ur boyfriend?" I asked casually...

 She was silent for few seconds.Then she said,"Don't say 'boyfriend',He is my lover!"

    I was bewildered.

  "They mean same thing,don't they??"

  "No...boyfriend sounds ....wrong!"

I didn't understand  and persisted that she elaborate. And she did.

  " Well... if i say he is my boyfriend, It sounds somewhat frivolous- like it is just a fling! but if i say he is my lover,it feels pure,honest!"

 This logic may sound strange first,but the more i thought about it,the more it made sense to me.
Personally for me, saying that X is my girlfriend sounds much cooler than saying that X is my lover.
And the least attractive than both is saying that X is my wife.... If u are a guy, imagine it in ur head, u will understand. if you are a girl, how about giving  me your phone number, I am single!

 To sum up,this is what we have learned: arranged in decreasing order of kewlness-



   Wife - (NOT KEWL AT ALL!!!)

 Can u spot the pattern? It is also increasing order of ,Um.... Seriousness in the relationship. 

 Thats why girls prefer to call their boyfriends as lovers and boys prefer to call their lovers as girlfriends. coz the former push for commitment and the later always are terrified about it!

For girls, the diagram looks this way.

   boy friend (Prey)

   Husband (Hmm.... commitment!)

 Am i genius or what!!!

Advise for guys: The next time your GF refers you as "lover" instead of "bf",thats the warning sign. Run like ur ass is on fire, or else u are committed! You are inches away from becoming "Hubby"!!

P.s:(completely unrelated to the topic)

 The distance between the spot where  our office bus stops and the Air conditioned comfort of our office is a meagre ten feet. Apparantly, some girls are too delicate to walk in the sun that much distance without protection of Umbrella,as i witnessed today!

  People ask me why i keep ridiculing women in my posts, and i don't have any answers.....


RG said...

they are not delicate... but their make-up's are [:)]

Anonymous said...

what ever they do ... i find it ridiculous ... same pinch

San .D said...

Great... We should form misogynists anonymous or something!